Phantom Burglar Alarms - Security Services

021 638 1151

5 Reasons Why your Business Should Have Armed Response in 2022.

In today's society, it is more important than ever to take precautions to protect your business. One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is by hiring Armed Response. Here are five reasons why you should consider having Armed Response to your business:

What exactly does Armed Response mean to your Business?

For too many business owners, "Armed Response" conjures up images of burly security guards patrolling their property with firearms at the ready. However, there is more to Armed Response than meets the eye. In addition to providing a visible deterrence, Armed Response teams are also trained to handle a variety of other security tasks, from monitoring CCTV footage to responding to alarms. As such, they can play a vital role in keeping your business safe and secure. When you choose an Armed Response team for your business, you can rest assured knowing that your property is in good hands.

1. Criminals are looking for easy targets

By having Armed Response, you make yourself less of a target and increase the likelihood that criminals will move on to another business. If your business doesn't have Armed Response, you're easy pickings for criminals. They know that they can come in and take what they want without much resistance. But if you have Armed Response, you're much less of a target.

Criminals don't want to take on someone who's armed and have the training to defend themselves. They're much more likely to move on to an easier target. So by having Armed Response, you make yourself less of a target and increase the likelihood that criminals will move on to another business. It's just good common sense.

2. Criminals prefer businesses with no Armed Response

There is a perception among criminals that businesses that are not protected by Armed Response are an easier target, for instance, One of the most common reasons criminals prefer unarmed businesses is that they are much easier to rob. Without any security measures in place, criminals can simply walk in and take what they want without any resistance. This is especially tempting for thieves looking for quick and easy targets.

In addition, unarmed businesses are also more likely to be located in high-crime areas, which makes them even more attractive to criminals. Furthermore, businesses that do not have security measures are often perceived as being softer targets, which can make them even more appealing to criminals. Ultimately, there are a variety of reasons why criminals prefer unarmed businesses, but the bottom line is that they are much easier to rob.

3. You can never be too safe without Armed Response

In today's world, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Even if you have never had any problems with crime in the past, it is always advisable to take precautions against potential threats. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in Armed Response. Armed Response is a service provided by a security company that will send armed guards to your home or business in the event of an emergency. This kind of service can give you peace of mind knowing that you have someone to protect you and your property in the event of a break-in or robbery. It is also a good idea to have a security system installed in your home or business.

Security systems are designed to deter criminals and can also help to apprehend them if they do break in. They can also provide invaluable evidence to the police if a crime is committed. The bottom line is that you can never be too safe. By taking some simple precautions, you can dramatically reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

4. The cost of Armed Response is affordable

Armed Response is affordable, especially when compared to the cost of losing money or property as a result of the crime. The price of guns and ammunition has decreased significantly over the past few years, making it more affordable for businesses to acquire Armed Response as a Security Service. In addition, many security companies offer discounts for businesses that purchase multiple services, such as armed guards and alarm systems.

As a result, the cost of armed security is often much lower than many people realize. In fact, when considered in terms of the potential cost of losing money or property to crime, Armed Response is often a very affordable investment.

5. Armed Response provides peace of mind

As a business owner, it's important to have peace of mind knowing that your property and assets are well-protected. Armed Response guards provide an extra layer of security and protection, giving you the peace of mind you need to focus on running your business without worry.

Security guards are trained to handle a variety of situations, from deterring and responding to criminal activity to handling medical emergencies. They can also provide valuable assistance with crowd control and evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency. Having Armed Response guards on-site provides peace of mind knowing that your business is well-protected against a wide range of potential threats.

Here are Three benefits of having Armed Response for your Business:

There are three primary benefits to having an Armed Response team for your business.

1. It provides a deterrent to crime.

Burglars and other criminals are less likely to target a business that they know is protected by Armed Response.

2. An Armed Response team can quickly respond

Second, an Armed Response team can quickly respond to any incidents that do occur, potentially preventing further damage or loss.

3. An Armed Response team can give employees and customers a sense of safety and peace of mind

Finally, having an Armed Response team can give employees and customers a sense of safety and peace of mind, which can be good for business. Overall, the benefits of having an Armed Response team outweigh the costs, making it a wise investment for any business owner.


Businesses of all sizes can benefit from having Armed Response. The cost is affordable, and it provides peace of mind. Criminals are looking for easy targets, and they prefer unarmed businesses. You can never be too safe, so please feel free to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more information on how you can protect your business.

5 Reasons Why your Business Should Have Armed Response in 2022.

In today's society, it is more important than ever to take precautions to protect your business. One of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is by hiring Armed Response. Here are five reasons why you should consider having Armed Response to your business:

What exactly does Armed Response mean to your Business?

For too many business owners, "Armed Response" conjures up images of burly security guards patrolling their property with firearms at the ready. However, there is more to Armed Response than meets the eye. In addition to providing a visible deterrence, Armed Response teams are also trained to handle a variety of other security tasks, from monitoring CCTV footage to responding to alarms. As such, they can play a vital role in keeping your business safe and secure. When you choose an Armed Response team for your business, you can rest assured knowing that your property is in good hands.

1. Criminals are looking for easy targets

By having Armed Response, you make yourself less of a target and increase the likelihood that criminals will move on to another business. If your business doesn't have Armed Response, you're easy pickings for criminals. They know that they can come in and take what they want without much resistance. But if you have Armed Response, you're much less of a target.

Criminals don't want to take on someone who's armed and have the training to defend themselves. They're much more likely to move on to an easier target. So by having Armed Response, you make yourself less of a target and increase the likelihood that criminals will move on to another business. It's just good common sense.

2. Criminals prefer businesses with no Armed Response

There is a perception among criminals that businesses that are not protected by Armed Response are an easier target, for instance, One of the most common reasons criminals prefer unarmed businesses is that they are much easier to rob. Without any security measures in place, criminals can simply walk in and take what they want without any resistance. This is especially tempting for thieves looking for quick and easy targets.

In addition, unarmed businesses are also more likely to be located in high-crime areas, which makes them even more attractive to criminals. Furthermore, businesses that do not have security measures are often perceived as being softer targets, which can make them even more appealing to criminals. Ultimately, there are a variety of reasons why criminals prefer unarmed businesses, but the bottom line is that they are much easier to rob.

3. You can never be too safe without Armed Response

In today's world, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Even if you have never had any problems with crime in the past, it is always advisable to take precautions against potential threats. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in Armed Response. Armed Response is a service provided by a security company that will send armed guards to your home or business in the event of an emergency. This kind of service can give you peace of mind knowing that you have someone to protect you and your property in the event of a break-in or robbery. It is also a good idea to have a security system installed in your home or business.

Security systems are designed to deter criminals and can also help to apprehend them if they do break in. They can also provide invaluable evidence to the police if a crime is committed. The bottom line is that you can never be too safe. By taking some simple precautions, you can dramatically reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

4. The cost of Armed Response is affordable

Armed Response is affordable, especially when compared to the cost of losing money or property as a result of the crime. The price of guns and ammunition has decreased significantly over the past few years, making it more affordable for businesses to acquire Armed Response as a Security Service. In addition, many security companies offer discounts for businesses that purchase multiple services, such as armed guards and alarm systems.

As a result, the cost of armed security is often much lower than many people realize. In fact, when considered in terms of the potential cost of losing money or property to crime, Armed Response is often a very affordable investment.

5. Armed Response provides peace of mind

As a business owner, it's important to have peace of mind knowing that your property and assets are well-protected. Armed Response guards provide an extra layer of security and protection, giving you the peace of mind you need to focus on running your business without worry.

Security guards are trained to handle a variety of situations, from deterring and responding to criminal activity to handling medical emergencies. They can also provide valuable assistance with crowd control and evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency. Having Armed Response guards on-site provides peace of mind knowing that your business is well-protected against a wide range of potential threats.

Here are Three benefits of having Armed Response for your Business:

There are three primary benefits to having an Armed Response team for your business.

1. It provides a deterrent to crime.

Burglars and other criminals are less likely to target a business that they know is protected by Armed Response.

2. An Armed Response team can quickly respond

Second, an Armed Response team can quickly respond to any incidents that do occur, potentially preventing further damage or loss.

3. An Armed Response team can give employees and customers a sense of safety and peace of mind

Finally, having an Armed Response team can give employees and customers a sense of safety and peace of mind, which can be good for business. Overall, the benefits of having an Armed Response team outweigh the costs, making it a wise investment for any business owner.


Businesses of all sizes can benefit from having Armed Response. The cost is affordable, and it provides peace of mind. Criminals are looking for easy targets, and they prefer unarmed businesses. You can never be too safe, so please feel free to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more information on how you can protect your business.

Phantom Burglar Alarms

Phantom Burglar Alarms has been providing security solutions to homes and businesses in South Africa since 1964.

32 Cnr Noll Avenue & Habibia Rd Hatton Estate - 7764

021 638 1151

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