Phantom Burglar Alarms - Security Services

021 638 1151


Phantom Burglar Alarms explains: "Guarding is a security service that involves protecting people, property, and information. It can be provided by either armed or unarmed security guards. The main goal of guarding is to deter crime and protect those in the area from harm.

Security guards may patrol an area on foot or in a vehicle, and they may also be stationed at a certain location. They must be alert at all times and be able to rapidly respond to any incidents that occur. Guards must also have excellent observational skills and be able to identify potential threats.

In some cases, they may need to use force to apprehend suspects or defend those in their care. Guards must receive comprehensive training in order to perform their duties effectively.


Phantom Burglar Alarms explains: "Guarding is a security service that involves protecting people, property, and information. It can be provided by either armed or unarmed security guards. The main goal of guarding is to deter crime and protect those in the area from harm.

Security guards may patrol an area on foot or in a vehicle, and they may also be stationed at a certain location. They must be alert at all times and be able to rapidly respond to any incidents that occur. Guards must also have excellent observational skills and be able to identify potential threats.

In some cases, they may need to use force to apprehend suspects or defend those in their care. Guards must receive comprehensive training in order to perform their duties effectively.

Benefits from having Security Guards Active on your Premises?

Security guards provide an important service by guarding property and people. They help to deter crime and keep people safe.

1. Deterrence

Operating with security guards sends a clear message that your property is not an easy target. This will help to deter would-be criminals and vandalism.

2. Protection

In the event that a crime is committed, or there is an accident, security guards can provide vital assistance. They can help to keep the peace, direct traffic, and provide first aid if necessary.

3. Peace of Mind

Knowing that there is someone on hand to deal with any problems that may arise can give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on running your business.

Benefits from having Security Guards Active on your Premises?

Security guards provide an important service by guarding property and people. They help to deter crime and keep people safe.

1. Deterrence

Operating with security guards sends a clear message that your property is not an easy target. This will help to deter would-be criminals and vandalism.

2. Protection

In the event that a crime is committed, or there is an accident, security guards can provide vital assistance. They can help to keep the peace, direct traffic, and provide first aid if necessary.

3. Peace of Mind

Knowing that there is someone on hand to deal with any problems that may arise can give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on running your business.

Where are Security Guards Located on my Premises?

One of the most important aspects of any security plan is choosing the right location for security guards. Security guards should be placed in strategic locations throughout the premises in order to provide the best possible coverage. In general, security guards should be guarding areas that are most likely to be targeted by criminals. This includes entrances and exits, as well as areas where valuable items are kept. By carefully placing security guards in these key locations, it is possible to deter crime and make the premises much safer.

Where are Security Guards Located on my Premises?

One of the most important aspects of any security plan is choosing the right location for security guards. Security guards should be placed in strategic locations throughout the premises in order to provide the best possible coverage.

In general, security guards should be guarding areas that are most likely to be targeted by criminals. This includes entrances and exits, as well as areas where valuable items are kept.

By carefully placing security guards in these key locations, it is possible to deter crime and make the premises much safer.

What is the time duration that my Security Guards will be Active?

The time duration that our security guards will be active depends on the guarding services that you require. For example, if you need 24-hour guarding, then our guards will be on duty 24 hours a day. However, if you only require guarding for specific events or for a certain number of hours each day, then we can tailor our services to meet your needs. In all cases, our security guards are highly trained and experienced, and they will remain vigilant throughout their shift to ensure the safety of your property and everyone on it. You can rest assured that your premises are in safe hands when you enlist our guarding services.

What is the time duration that my Security Guards will be Active?

The time duration that our security guards will be active depends on the guarding services that you require. For example, if you need 24-hour guarding, then our guards will be on duty 24 hours a day.

However, if you only require guarding for specific events or for a certain number of hours each day, then we can tailor our services to meet your needs. In all cases, our security guards are highly trained and experienced, and they will remain vigilant throughout their shift to ensure the safety of your property and everyone on it.

You can rest assured that your premises are in safe hands when you enlist our guarding services.

How Much is Security Guards Going to Cost Me?

When Can I Start The Process of Deploying Security Guards?

How Much is Security Guards Going to Cost Me?

When Can I Start The Process of Deploying Security Guards?

Phantom Burglar Alarms

Phantom Burglar Alarms has been providing security solutions to homes and businesses in South Africa since 1964.

32 Cnr Noll Avenue & Habibia Rd Hatton Estate - 7764

021 638 1151

Working hours

Monday: 7:30am - 4pm

Tuesday: 7:30am - 4pm

Wednesday: 7:30am - 4pm

Thursday: 7:30am - 4pm

Friday: 7:30am - 4pm

Sat-Sun: Closed

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